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Ukraine says it has uncovered major arms corruption

Ukraine’s security service says it has uncovered corruption in an arms purchase by the military worth about $40m (£31m). The SBU said five senior people in the defence ministry and at an arms supplier were being investigated. It said the defence officials signed a contract for 100,000 mortar shells in August 2022. Payment was made…

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Russia deliberately risked lives in downed plane – Kyiv

Ukraine’s military intelligence has accused Russia of deliberately jeopardising the lives of prisoners of war, after Moscow said Kyiv had downed a plane with 65 PoWs on board. The Ilyushin-76 military transport plane crashed in Russia’s southern Belgorod region near Ukraine. Russia’s ministry of defence said Ukrainian PoWs were being flown into Belgorod for a…

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Ukraine says it shot down Russian A-50 spy plane

Ukraine’s military says it has shot down a Russian military spy plane over the Sea of Azov, in what analysts say would be a blow to Moscow’s air power. Army chief Gen Valerii Zaluzhnyi said the air force had “destroyed” an A-50 long range radar detection aircraft, and an Il-22 air control centre. The A-50…

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